Don’t ever purchase from them. They give you the cheapest material worth 10 bucks probably and charge 500 give you products after 1 month. Then they won’t refund for their cheating products and give you a coupon that expires. Worst site ever. I wasted 1400 .
The quality and fitting of the product is absolutely terrible. They deliverd the product after a month. Don’t ever buy from this site.
It's too long and too skinny
The leg part should be broader. Since it's too long and skinny, it looks an old white grandpa. Make it shorter and broader
After my first experience with Zymrat (a sleeveless tee) I was so looking forward to my current purchases - shorts, tees.
It took forever - and when finally it did come, it was clear that they were stitched in a hurry and quality was lost in the transition from Zymrat to Styched!
The shorts are badly designed and such pipes that I am not sure if it was ever done with runners in mind.
Its a bad feeling that I cannot exercise a refund option - hopefully you will handle the exchange better
But last 1 yr this is not available
Products are too expensive for the quality which is provided.
As expected the quality is very satisfying, Design etc.
Value for price
all the centurion tee and supervent tee are amazing
Sleeves are too long and chest is too tight
The Track Pants ,T-shirts are up to the fullest satisfaction. Not a single buyer will regret
But if the price can be little low.
I ordered pre paid jogger’s 2 but I got COD order which I have returned back Iam yet to recieve my pre paid order
I've always loved Zymrat's products. The hoodie is spot on in terms of comfort and design.
I ordered a size extra for more comfort during workout. Haven't used in gym yet but it's very soft and comfortable so far.
Only drawback is no zip pocket. Even one side zip pocket would have been handy to carry phone wallet etc while riding two wheeler.
stripes on right side would have added more look into it.
The material is rather thin and flimsy. Not beffiting the price