What is talk therapy?

Talk therapy entails a multitude of treatment techniques that can prove instrumental in helping a person identify the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that are troubling them. It helps them look up into themselves and deal with issues that they might be unknowingly avoiding yet battling. 

Talk therapy functions on several levels and in several circumstances. It can lead an individual to become conscious about recurring thoughts that may be detrimental to their life’s peace. Say, self doubt, thoughts that lead to self contempt can be dealt with. A talk therapist will make you question the very foundation of where it is coming from and how it is affecting. This constructive discussion can ease out the unrealised tension that tags along. Be it coping with any type of stress or finding it difficult to interact in a social setting, talk therapy carries a solution. Even at a personal level, talking to a friend or family member can be a great way to deal with a problem, big or small, immediate or long standing. As we talk about a problem, our brain charts it all out. The connections are established between the factors that caused it in the first place. 

Talk therapy can help in reducing mental stress

People often experience negative and tormenting psychological effects arising from episodes in their life. Talking about these experiences can lead to finding relief from stress pockets locked in the subconscious. It may be difficult to open up to therapists initially. There is a fear of judgement and then there is a revisit to all those experiences. But there isn’t a reason to worry. Therapists are qualified professionals and build a rapport with you thereby making it easy to talk by establishing a positive and favourable environment. Through relaxation and mindfulness techniques, talk therapy analyses the ailments towards solutions. These solutions seek answers to troublesome questions, even if not tangible but actionable. While being in conversations, you would frequent thinking aloud, the weirdest of thoughts will pop up. You should not shy away, address them and learn to deal with them. Moreover, don't expect your therapist to always agree. They will validate what they feel is right for you. Trust them! 

Life is rarely a bed of roses. Even if it is, some thorns would still find a place for themselves. Some of us are able to live with them while some aren’t. The latter can make some good use of talk therapy. It can become an outlet for venting it all out. Asking for help is not considered a sign of weakness. One of the biggest benefits of talking is that its impact is long lasting. It not only deals with the ongoing problems but also develops a cognition for the future. It increases the preparedness for any emotional upheaval that might befall ahead. Before a situation turns into an emergency, it must be taken care of. The inability to open up or repress feelings for a longer time can harbour depressions and other mental health ailments. Even if you yourself don’t require talk therapy, look around and see if anyone else needs it. Lend an ear, talk to someone who you find suffering. They might not want to take advice from you but your attention will make a difference. Talking to you will help them figure it out.

Talking to friend or a family member in times of stress can be very helpful

The telephone, internet, and smartphones mobile have opened up new possibilities for providing interventions that can reach people digitally. 


Anonymous (2016). The Importance of Talk Therapy. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), 1307–1308. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbu091

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