Recommendations for the shelf - Books on positive thinking

Let’s begin with the most common question when it comes to positive thinking. Is the glass half full or half empty? And if you are, for some reason, finding the glass half empty, here is a little something to make you believe the other way round.

We have found some good reads on staying positive, see if you can derive some inspiration.

1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma

This inspiring story by Robin Sharma walks us through the life of a man who sets out to explore varied aspects of his existence and develops a connection with his inner self, his conscience. This acquaintance, as the author brings it out, could be the most amazing miracle that can lift you to such an extent and that you might not miss your Ferrari anymore!  

2. I Have a Dream - Rashmi Bansal

In her record book of 20 entrepreneurs, Rashmi Bansal has highlighted the journeys and experiences of individuals that led them to take the plunge. How hardships and failures can either be turned into meaningful milestones, you can learn that in this book! If you have been contemplating on starting some of your own, this will prove to be the right trigger.

3. The Five Steps to Success - Yandamoori Veerendranath

Originally published in Telugu, this masterpiece by Yandamoori Veerendranath prepares us for facing the world. In 5 steps, this account is meant to motivate you to stay at peace within in order to deal with the chaos outside. Problems are bound to come and life will never be a bed of roses, but to emerge victorious inner peace is inevitable. Now how can that be achieved? Read the book to find out. 

4. Tiya: A Parrot's Journey Home – Samarpan

In his book, Samarpan has personified the transition of a bird’s abode from a tree to a house. By means of what the bird goes through, this book throws questions about the rationale behind our existence on earth. Trusting the inner voice, slowing down and going into retrospect can turn our attention towards the larger truths.

5. The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy

This book, by all means, can be considered a classic now. Tailoring the series of unfortunate events of 2 sisters, Arundhati Roy has highlighted how change is the inevitable truth. One must learn to live with it and work around it to keep going. This book will bring you to terms with the futility of being rigid in life.

For easy access to reviews and preview of these books, here is a goodreads link:

Inspiration is all around us. In times of distress, try and look out! In the words of JK Rowling from the Harry Potter series, “I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book”. So go ahead! And find your magic!

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